We measure accurate temperature in extreme conditions

Measuring the Temperature of Aluminum Billets in an Induction Furnace

Aluminum Billets Temperature Measurement

In an induction furnace

Typical AST pyrometers installation in aluminum extrusion line

Pyrometer A5-S-IN and A5-S-EX

Single spot pyrometers – measurements inside of furnace – in gaps between the Inductive coils

Single spot pyrometer

Tapering control along a billet utilizing A5-S-IN- AST pyrometer with a scanner

An installation of a pyrometer for billet temperature measurements
inside the furnace.


The effect of inductive heating on the billet temperature, this effect must be taken into account when measuring the billet surface.

billet surface

Installation suggestion of a pyrometer to measure
the  billet face temperature.

billet face temperature.

Billet temperature tapering control on inductive furnace exit.

An installation setup to measure the billet face temperature.

billet face temperature

A complicated installation setup to measure the billet face temperature.

billet face temperature

Inside furnace billets measurements with a pyrometer A5-IN (or A5-EX)

furnace billets measurements

Billets measurements inside a furnace with fiber optic, pyrometer type A5-EX-FO.

Billets measurements inside furnace
Billets measurements inside furnace

Statistical data of the accuracy of billet temperature measurements by AST pyrometer with AST special algorithm and parameters.

Technical solution​ Video
accuracy of billet temperature

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