A Comprehensive Analysis Evaluation the Temperature of Aluminum Billets
A detailed investigation: temperature measurement of aluminum billets using the A5-S-IN scanner
Knowing the scanner parameters enables calculating the interval of measurements for faster pyrometer Reaction time “Tau”=0.102sec (see attached diagram with notes).
By changing the “Tau” setup, we control interval variation.
Pyrometer A5-S-IN scanning system
-Left virtual scanning limit first point 1.5” (38 mm) Scanning start “0” steps
-tg A/2= 0.2896, Angle A/2= 16.2, Angle A= 32.4
-One sscanning range- 635 steps
-Time for 1 step- 0.05 sectep= 0.05 Full.
-Full time for full scanning-57” Length= 32.4 sec.
-The minimal time constant of the pyrometer, which still provides reasonable accuracy- “Tao”= 0.102 sec.
-This means that the pyrometer will be sending a rapid 317 measurements during the 32.4 sec period, ensuring a high frequency of data acquisition.
-317 measurements for scanning 57” of billet length means one measurement for approximately 0.18” (4/6 mm).
-For shorter, it will be the same scanning speed and the same measurement resolution. Just the scanning area where the pyrometer will not see the hot target- will be shown and recorded “out of range” message.
-In case the customer like do not loose a time for scanning space without hot target. He may adjust scanning range by remote control box (see new virtual limits of scanning range).
-If the above-calculated scanning time is too long for the customer’s production process, he may use a pyrometer for a working distance of more than 2500 mm. In this case, the scanning angle will be smaller, the time shorter, and the resolution interval bigger.
Our team has successfully devised a formula for scanning billets while in motion. As a result, customers can now customize their billet speed and calculate the resolution interval.
The application software AST-NET can record measurement results in Excel format for both cases.
The scanner step number column is useful for identifying the scanner position during measurements.