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We measure accurate temperature in extreme conditions

Steel Industry

Coke Oven Heating Profile can be acquired by measuring the coke burden temperature. It becomes crucial to measure the temperature at this point as this is the exit stage and the coke burden is pushed from the oven at this place. In this way we can conclude the temperature of the Coke Oven from measurement of coke.

Recommended Product: A250 FO/PL is the recommended product for this application.

Key Features

  • The Fibre Optic Pyrometers are widely used in high ambient temperature applications without cooling. The fibre optic cable and optical head can withstand maximum 250°C easily while the pyrometer end can tolerate upto 70°C.
  • Fibre optic series models can be easily mounted close to the process in applications involving electromagnetic fieds,as the optics and the Fibre cable are short of electronics, there is no interference of strong electromagnetic field on the pyrometer.
  • A250 FO-PL and A450 FO-PL are Single color models while A450C FO-PL is a two color model. These pyrometers come with Laser Pilot light for targeting purpose.
  • The pyrometers are equipped with user selectable Analog outputs 4 – 20mA, 0 – 20mA, 0 -10 V with USB 2.0 digital output and RS-232/RS-485 (user selectable) serial interface.
  • Accessories for mounting helps in easy installation. Air purge unit prevents the contamination of lens to ensure long term operation.

Pyrometer has laser targeting light which can be turned ON/OFF which helps the user for precision targeting. The digital output of the pyrometer is connected to temperature controller with parameterizer so that all the parameters of the pyrometer can be set without the help of PC or laptop. Auxiliary output of 24VDC from P120 is used to power the pyrometer. Hence the system is standalone and user friendly.

The whole system consists

  • Digital ratio pyrometer with 10 mtr long fibre optic cable for temperature range from 800°C…2500°C.Two Color technology overcomes the problems of incompletely filled measuring spots, supplied with accessories like air purge unit which minimizes the effect of dust and smoke on the proper working of the lens.
  • Fibre optic Cable – Special Fibre optic cable and optical head can withstand high ambient temperature upto 250°C whereas pyrometer end(0°C…70°C). Fibre optic system allows installing the pyrometer securely inside the control box and away from site which has high ambient conditions.
  • Junction box with LED display
  • Connection Cables of varying lengths available.
  • Software Infrasoft: The software is useful for adjustments of parameters and parametrization.

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